bonjour from the FIAP! so i arrived in paris yesterday at 940 AM after a brief stop at the london heathrow airport. the flight in to paris was quite interesting, when we were descending into the Charles de Gaulle Airport I immediately pressed my face to my window and searched for the eiffel tour! however, all i saw was farm land, i had a brief "home alone" moment where i worried if i had managed to get on the wrong plane, however, this was not the case and i landed safely in paris! after finding my luggage with some other northeastern students we quickly found students holding "AUP" signs for our shuttle bus. (not being able to find them was my biggest fear) we then arrived at the FIAP, which calls itself a "student center" but it's more like a really nice hostel or a super strange hotel, which ever way you want to look at it.
my view from the FIAP (the actual room itself is so small it was hard to get in a picture, and also really not that glamorous) |
AUP doesn't actually have student housing, but they do help set you up with a landlord and apartment, so until we find our permanent housing we are staying here at the FIAP. i have 3 roommates in my room, but it is surprisingly spacious and my roommates are all very nice so it is working out well.
yesterday wasn't a too exciting day, i actually never even got to venture outside of the FIAP between the orientation events and my jet lag. i fell asleep immediately after dinner, but woke up today extremely refreshed!
today, however was much more exciting! after an interesting french placement test (eep my real decision on it will be decided after i have my results haha) i enjoyed yet another delicious meal at the FIAP (not at all really, it actually makes NEU's cafeterias look pretty good) but! afterwards i got to see AUP's lovely campus! AUP is located in the 7th arrondissement which is absolutely beautiful (it's most famous for the eiffel tower!) after that a friend and i ventured off from the group & i finally saw the eiffel tower! yay yay, it was especially pretty because the sun was setting.
pre sunset |
so prettaaayyy! |
afterwards, my advisor took our group to a lebanese restaurant which i have never tried before. those of you that know me well, know i am not the most adventurous when it comes to food. however! it was actually really good and i enjoyed all of it! i will def eat it again while i am here. afterwards, some other students and i went to a canadian bar called the moose. it was just a quick stop, but american sports were playing on all of the TV's and i happened to be with two eagles fans with me so we enjoyed watching the beginning of the eagles game. (however we're 6 hours ahead and not the best at the metro system yet so we had before the first quarter was even over)
gross, but eagles fans à paris! :) |
well that's it for now, tomorrow is my housing appointment, i hope it goes well!
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