Thursday, January 13, 2011

6eme arrondissment

hello everyone! wow it feels like so much has happened since sunday night. monday i had my highly anticipated housing meeting and after discussing what i was looking for (a chambre de bonne near school, private bathroom, internet, etc) I was presented with 4 choices. from those 4, i got to pick one to visit, and only one of them had pictures(which were not pretty) so it was basically a shot in the dark. i picked to look at an apartment in the 6th arrondissement right on the luxembourg gardens because of its location, price, and most importantly it has an elevator. after a rush through paris's metro and the 6th (my landlord needed to leave in 20 minutes but wanted to show me the place so i could make a deicision) we arrived at 38 rue de guynemer. Before even seeing the inside i turned around and saw that directly in front of my building's door was an entrance to the luxembourg gardens and my mind was essentially made up. my chambre de bonne(a converted maids room) is very small (10 sq meters) but, hey its in paris and its my own place! my landlord told me i could not move in until wednesday, though because he wanted to repace the countertops and do a little work on the place before i moved in.

mon premiere crepe a paris (sunday)

my first taste of escargot: surprisingly so good!!

tuesday i helped a friend move into her chambre de bonne which is a block from l'arc de triumph! after helping her move in we explored les champs elyssaus, which provided me with some great pictures. 

in front of 'arc de triumph!
so pretty!

hotdog in a baguette!

yesterday, i was finally able to move into my apartment, however my landlord is not finished replacing the countertops and some other minor work so i'm going to hold off on pictures for now.

today i woke up for the first time in my chambre do bonne and after finalizing my classes on campus i decided to explore the catacombs with some friends. i'm not even really sure what to say about them other than there were more skulls/bones than i had ever imagined! it was kind of hard to take pictures because we weren't allowed to use flash.


  1. please have a nutella & banana crepe while you are there.

  2. already had one ahh soo good. basically all i do here is eat food!
